York Health and Care Partnership


Thursday 23rd November 2023, 10:00 - 12:30

Severus Meeting Room; First Floor, West Offices

Chair: Ian Floyd


(T) Joined on MS Teams


Ian Floyd (Chair)

Chief Operating Officer

City of York Council (CYC)

Rebecca Field

Joint Chair of York Health and Care Collaborative

York Medical Group

Cllr Jo Coles

Executive Member for Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care


Peter Roderick


Acting Director of Public Health/ Deputy Director of Population Health

CYC/York Place, H&NY ICB

Brian Cranna

Care Group Director of Operations & Transformation, North Yorkshire, York, and Selby Care Group 


Alison Semmence

Chief Executive

York Centre for Voluntary Services (CVS)

Martin Kelly

Corporate Director of Children and Young People


Helena Ebbs

Place Clinical Director

York Place, H&NY ICB

Emma Johnson

Chief Executive

St. Leonards Hospice

Caroline Johnson (on behalf of Michelle Carrington) (part)

Deputy Director Quality and Nursing York

York Place, H&NY ICB

Cllr Claire Douglas

Leader of the Council


Sharon Stoltz

Director of Public Health


Mark Bradley (T)

Place Chief Finance Officer

York Place, H&NY ICB

In Attendance

Hannah Taylor

Team Administrator

York Place, H&NY ICB

Anna Basilico (T)

Head of Population Health and Partnerships

York Place, H&NY ICB

Jenny Allott

Deputy Chief Executive

York Centre for Voluntary Services (CVS)

Zoe Delaney (T)

AD Community Integration

York Place, H&NY ICB

Richard Douglas

Head of All age provider services


Bobbi Dempsey (T)

Integration Manager

York Place, H&NY ICB

Emma Olandj (T)

Director of Community Services


Michael Melvin (T)

Director of Adults Safeguarding


Gary Young

Deputy Director Provider Development

York Place, H&NY ICB


Sarah Coltman- Lovell

York Place Director

York Place, H&NY ICB

Gail Brown


York Schools & Academies Board

Michelle Carrington

Director of Nursing and Quality North Yorkshire and York

York Place, H&NY ICB

Professor Karen Bryan


Vice Chancellor

York St John University

(Representing higher education)

Professor Mike Holmes



Zoe Campbell

Managing Director, NYY&S


Sian Balsom


Healthwatch, York

Melanie Liley

Chief Allied Health Professional and Director of Community Partnerships




1.    Welcome and apologies for absence.

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.

The minutes of the meeting held on 16.10.2023 were approved.

There were no declarations of interest in the business of the meeting.

Peter Roderick updated discussions had started on the place plan locality model and work with areas in the council had commenced to create a joined-up model.

Anna Basilico updated that the Responsibility Agreement feedback had been given to Amanda Bloor and signed by Sarah Coltman-Lovell, Ian Floyd, and Amanda Bloor. The Agreement has been updated to reflect governance around quality, workforce, and estates, and to reflect the Partnership's future intentions around delegation.  Anna will be emailing the YHCP members of the ICB collaborative boards to see if they were happy for the Committee to view their Responsibility agreements. If there is any other feedback on the Responsibility Agreement, please send to a.basilico@nhs.net.

Cllr Coles informed that she had visited the Carers centre on the 22nd  November and reminded them the Place Committee are happy for them to come back to receive asks

The Committee noted the meeting being Sharon Stoltz last meeting and thanked her for her work and commitment in establishing the Partnership.


2.    Frailty Hub Expansion Proposal

a)    VCS Extra Discharge Support Service

Jenny Allott started by reporting the Extra Discharge Support Service is a partnership of 3 voluntary sector organisations, age UK, North Yorkshire Sport, and York CVS to help with patient flow from hospital. Speaking about who they have helped, Jenny informed the meeting that they have supported a range of different people and that they would hope to be more integrated into the hospital and link in with the frailty hub as a next step.

Alison raised that the service is run on non-recurrent BCF winter care funds which is due to end in March 24 and in order to keep the service running they would need a response by January on whether there is any further funding.

Discussion ensued on

·         The importance and need to recurrently fund the service

·         Better patient outcome rather than cost saving

·         Intermediate services being overwhelmed before the service was put in place.

·         Working closely with Community Rehabilitation Team without replacing or duplicating what they offer


-       Michael Melvin to feedback on the BCF funding for the EDDS at the December meeting


b)    Frailty Crisis Hub Expansion

Following her previous presentation to the YHCP Emma Olandj updated on the Frailty hub informing of the 3 areas of support offered. Speaking on the Integrated crisis response Emma informed of the aim to help avoiding admission, continuing Emma spoke of the Proactive Admission avoidance element noting that since the frailty advice and guidance line began on the 1st November they have received 71 Crisis calls, stopping 11 people from going into hospital with each person receiving an MDT style response.


Emma shared a patient story of a citizen with Dementia they prevented admission into hospital for after a fall at home, how they supported the family to understand Hospital wasn’t the best option for the patient. Feedback from the paramedics that had initially gone to visit the citizen was positive who informed that due to the Crisis line having an MDT style approach it saved them around 8 hours work as they would have had to contact each service individually or taken the citizen to A&E.


Ending Emma informed the meeting that currently 9 providers are using the Advice and Guidance line which is growing each day, due to time/resource the Frailty Advice and Guidance line is kept at frailty.


Discussion took place on

·         Lack of referrals from YAS and the potential need for comms

·         How to scale the project up so more can access the Hub

·         An idea of a longer-term project to look at citizens who don’t currently meet the criteria but may do in 2-3 years' time.

·         Joining it up with St Leonards Hospice Advice and Guidance line who also experience high demand


3.    LeDeR Annual Report and Front Street

Caroline Johnson highlighted some of the key areas of the report including 119 deaths reported across Humber and North Yorkshire ICB footprint with 85 having been reviewed, an even split between male and female, of the 85 deaths reviewed majority died outside of a hospital setting, good practice in the review of Long-Term Conditions, and screening areas. Caroline informed that the training the Quality Assurance and Improvement Team at York Place have been working on with care providers has proven a success and the ICB are going to roll the training out across the 6 places. YHCP committee members added their praise and thanks for the report authors, commending the process and highlighting it is reassuring to have this report in place.

Discussion ensued on:

·         Possibility of extending the health checks to Autism similar to the Pilot in Hull

·         Looking at how many individuals who passed away in a hospital came from a Care Home

·         The social prescribing work on Autism

·         How to support people while they are waiting for a diagnosis.



4.    Discharge Stocktake


Running through a slide pack Zoe Delaney recapped why a discharge stocktake commenced, shared some of the highlights from the report, and the top issues identified by partners. Continuing Zoe informed of a multi-partner workshop which included some partners that didn’t take place in the stocktake and shared the 4 key elements the workshop focussed on being what they wanted to get out of the day, what the key priorities are, what will they stop and what will they start. A common theme of wanting to strive for better patient outcomes. Zoe shared some areas where work has already taken commenced to improve from the workshops including reducing the number of meetings.


Zoe shared with the committee of a Care Home referral Pathway review, informing of the partners involved, the key themes of delayed discharges for people going to Care Homes, a draft structure on delivery of discharge noting they will rely on feedback from colleagues.

Richard Douglas informed that often Care Homes are accepting patients based on patients' behaviours on the wards not what they were like prior to admission, Michael Melvin added that the LGA and NHS are engaged in the work for complex discharges so that work is not repeated.


-       Hannah Taylor to circulate the presentation

-       Zoe Delaney to bring a further item once the delivery of discharge improvement plan has been initiated.

-       Helena Ebbs to discuss Dementia Training for Care Homes with Sarah Fiori


5.    Workforce Plan


This agenda item did not take place but was circulated with the meeting papers.


Individuals to feedback on the circulated Workforce Plan paper and further updates will be brought in 2024.



-       Individuals to feedback on the workforce plan.


6.    Any Other Business

NHS Dental Services Provision

Sharron Stoltz raised access issues to NHS Dental services in York, informing that an item on NHS Dental Services Provision would be brought to a future meeting. Cllr Coles raised a concern particularly around Children's and Emergency Dental services.

Discussion took place on a new pathway for children's dentistry and no emergency dental services in York meaning residents having to travel to be seen for assessments, with GP's being unable to offer repeat prescriptions due to them not specialising in Dentistry.

Responsibility Agreement

Sharon Stoltz raised a change required to the responsibility agreement due to the York Place Quality Group changing to North Yorkshire and York Place Quality Group. Sharon raised the importance for the committee to still receive York focussed updates from the quality group.

Integrated Neighbourhood Teams

Helena Ebbs informed she is looking into the creation of Integrated Neighbourhood teams, with the hope to coproduce the teams with organisations around the table and asked to bring the item to a future meeting.


-       Anna Basilico to update the Responsibility Agreement with the Quality Group changes

-       Items on Integrated Neighbourhood teams and Integrated Family hubs to be added to the forward planner.